#This is the resource bundle for the SAPUI5 sap.f library # #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader`s Expanded state EXPANDED_HEADER=Expanded header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader`s Snapped state SNAPPED_HEADER=Snapped header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader`s Pin Button not pressed PIN_HEADER=Pin header on press #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader`s Pin Button pressed UNPIN_HEADER=Unpin header on press #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader without title DEFAULT_HEADER_TEXT=Header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader`s Title pressed TOGGLE_HEADER=Press space or enter to toggle the header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar default tooltip AVATAR_TOOLTIP=Avatar #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_BEGIN_COLUMN_BACK_ARROW=Collapse the first column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_MID_COLUMN_FORWARD_ARROW=Expand the first column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_MID_COLUMN_BACK_ARROW=Expand the last column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_END_COLUMN_FORWARD_ARROW=Collapse the last column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_BEGIN_COLUMN_REGION_TEXT=First column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_MID_COLUMN_REGION_TEXT=Middle column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_END_COLUMN_REGION_TEXT=Last column #XTOL: Tooltip on the collapse header button COLLAPSE_HEADER_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Collapse Header #XTOL: Tooltip on the expand header button EXPAND_HEADER_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Expand Header #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Edit button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_EDIT=Edit #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Add button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ADD=Add #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Delete button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DELETE=Delete #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Save button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SAVE=Save #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Copy button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_COPY=Copy #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Cancel button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Accept button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACCEPT=Accept #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Reject button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_REJECT=Reject #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Flag button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FLAG=Flag #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Favorite button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FAVORITE=Favorite #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Send Email button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_EMAIL=Send E-Mail #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Discuss in SAP Jam button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DISCUSS_IN_JAM=Discuss in SAP Jam #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Share in SAP Jam button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SHARE_IN_JAM=Share in SAP Jam #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Send Message button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_MESSAGE=Send Message #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Print button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_PRINT=Print #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Message indicator button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MESSAGES_INDICATOR=Messages #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Share button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACTION_SHARE=Share #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" FullScreen button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FULL_SCREEN=Full Screen #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" ExitFullScreen button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_EXIT_FULL_SCREEN=Exit Full Screen Mode #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Close button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_CLOSE=Close