INT_DIALOG_Ok=Add INT_DIALOG_Download=Download INT_DIALOG_Close=Close INT_DIALOG_CANCEL=Cancel INT_CARD_ADD_SUCCESS=Card added to Insights. INT_CARD_ADD_ERROR=Card not added to Insights. Refresh the page and try again. INT_Preview_TitleField_Label=Title INT_Preview_SubTitleTitleField_Label=Subtitle INT_PREVIEW_POPOVER_BUTTON_TITLE=Add Card to Insights INT_Preview_Title_ValueStateText=Title cannot be empty INT_Preview_Visibility_Label=Card Visibility insightMaxCardText=You have reached the maximum limit of 10 cards. To add a new card, you first have to remove one. INT_SELECTION_DIALOG_OPEN=Manage CARD_SELECTION_DIALOG_HEADER=Manage Insights Cards editInsightsEmptyCardTitle=There are no cards available here yet. editInsightsEmptyCardSubTitle=If you have access to a card source, it will be available here insightCardTabText=You can select a maximum of 10 cards. removeFromInsights=Remove from Insights noPreviewDesc=Add a card for a preview. noPreview=No preview available yet. copy=Copy copyCard=Copy Card preview=Preview filterBy=Filtered By noFilterMsg=Filtered by None noFilterLoaded=Could not load filters deleteCardMsg=Do you want to delete the selected card? You cannot retrieve the card once it has been deleted. delete=Delete deleteCardSuccess=Card "{0}" deleted. editDetails=Details title=Title emptyTitle=Title cannot be empty. subTitle=Subtitle refresh=Refresh save=Save cancelButton=Cancel tokenFetchError=Cannot fetch X-CSRF token. invalidManifest=Invalid card manifest. copyCardSuccessMsg=Card {0} copied successfully. availableCards=Available Cards parentApp=Parent App\: deleteAllCardsMsg=This action deletes all the cards and regenerates the pre-delivered cards with the latest user defaults. refreshAllCards=This action updates the latest user default values for the following cards refreshText=If you have updated the user default values, refresh the cards.